Friday 24 April 2009

Some anthropology links . . . .

I don`t really visit anthropology sites . . . I have to read a lot in the university so I don't have the time to read from the internet, but I have visited a lot of sites to do some works . So now I’m going to give you some interesting anthropology links or ways to find good ones. One way to find interesting and actual information of social anthropology in the net is to visit the websites of the universities. Like that is the webpage of the faculty of social sciences of the University of Chile that haves some recent works of the department, to find these pages you just have to find the webpage of the universities like the British university, Berkley or anyone you think. This page that I found looking for British universities have a lots of links to deferent’s universities that have anthropology Another way to fin interesting info about anthropology is looking for papers or magazines of anthropology or related to, like social science magazines. Here are some

Friday 17 April 2009

Technology . . .

One of the objects of technology that a used more often . . . not the more useful an important, but the one I really appreciate in very specifics moments of the day, it's my mp3 player. I usually used when I’m ridding my bike or in the bus. I remember when I was like in 6 grade and I have a walkman, then I’ve got a cd player an after that I got an mp3 player. I had always like music, so I always want the possibility to ear it where ever I want and whatever I want. In the past I used to do compilation of music on cassettes and cd's, it was a lot of waste of money and time, now it’s very easy to get new music from the internet and put it in the mp3 player. These new technologies that can storage a big mass of media and transferred in a short time are evolving at every moment and the changes that this technologies did to the perception and appreciation to the music are enormous. In the past it was very difficult to ear new music every day and listened whenever you wanted, you usually listen to few artist, and the ones that the record label auspicate, or the ones you listen alive or in the radio, so you have a short vision over the different types of music . . . now you can listened music from everywhere, a tons of it . . . it's a better way to appreciate it.