Monday 18 May 2009

Now something about this and me !

I there, these was suppose to be my first post but by thing of life I put it now. This is the introduction of my blog, where I tell you what about me, who m I, and what’s this all about.
Well well . . . first of all this blog It’s about me, and whit that I don’t mean that I’m going to talk just about me, but it’s based on my interest. I’m not going to tell you which there are, that we are going to see it in the way. Well in the formal side, my name is Ignacio Gonzalez, I lived in Santiago the capital of Chile, a country well known for its wines, cupper, and a lots of products exported to the first world, but Chile is more than that, sometimes (almost every time ) I think this country it’s in a bubble and if all the people look around whit a little humility and a opened mind they realize that we are in a (/&&%/& country because of (the church, the conservator class, the dictatorship, the political class etc etc ) . . . . . . But ok, that we can also discus in the way and maybe changed in some way. Aaa and I almost forget it, I’m a anthropology student and I’m in forth year. That’s all folks . . . for now.

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