Friday 30 October 2009


I think this will be my favorite post . . . because music it’s one the things that I likemore, in all of its senses. I love to hear music, to know new music, to learn about it, to play it, to feel it, etc etc. But this will be very superficial post because this issue it’s very wide.
Well ill start with my likes of music. . . . jajaja I listen to all type of music and I try to always hear something new, I search in web pages like MySpace, lastfm and in some dedicated music blog, and also from what i ear of other people. I used to hear a lot of rock like grunge, death metal, trash, punk, classical, etc. but at the same time I was listening Chilean music, folk, Argentinean rock, etc. Then I like to hear hip hop, electronic, etc. In short terms I like music by itself, I’m not attach to a specific type of music I like new things, experimental ones, I hear music because it’s something that’s makes me feel different, affects my senses and can transport me to another place, in myself, but also with other people, it’s something that’s belongs to everyone that feel it. It's universal and particular at the same time.
I also said that I like to play music. I star to play the guitar when I was fiveteen years old. But I stop to play it regular when I entered the university. I also learn to play a little bit of charango bass and trumpet. Next year I want to dedicate some important part of my time to play more, especially trumpet and guitar, to join some band or make one whit my friend. I live whit two and they also play the guitar and some piano and bass . . . I really don’t’ know what are we waiting . . . but well the university takes a lots of time. That’s all for now See you. . . . and ALWAIS LISTEN MUSIC!!!

Friday 16 October 2009

Gaza, a never end conflict.

Recently I read a new on about the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestine. This article was about a report that the UN made about war crimes in the last conflict between Hammas and Israel in Gaza on January. This report accused both sides of war crimes. Obviously Israel rejected this report and said that this statement don-t contribute for peace. What can I said as an Anthropology student, well firs off all we have to understand the beginning of this conflict and what involves.
We must see the big picture of this conflict to understand what it’s happening, we have to take on count the history of this to Nations, the politic, the power beyond both sides, and what they represented, but in fist term as an Student of anthropology we have to take care about the cultural component in this conflict, in how this two countries, sides, nations, peoples are seen between them. This is a very complex point of view, and difficult to aboard, especially from a western eye, because of the cultural difference.
Going back to the news, there are human rights involve in this conflict, there are civilians, people that just want to live, from both sides. Not recognize that both sides committed war crimes it-s also saying that you don-t recognize that people that want to lived, you don-t recognize the death of civilians.

Tv Serials

Favorite TV serial.
Hellooooo, it’s been a long time from my last post . . . but I’m back. Well in this post I’ll talk about TV serials, mmm actually I’m not fallowing anyone, but I have seen a lot, specially the typical one, from the serial channels Warner and Sony, like lost, Scrubs, doctor house etc. Now I’m waiting for the last season of Lost to come out.
When I fallow a TV serial it’s for its argument, the work in the character, the history, the photograph etc . . . in short terms when I see something that I like it’s not for the amount of special effects that it have or the amount of production, I like it because it was made whit care, like any good piece of art. But I also see serial that aren’t very good and don’t have that care component, so I see them just for fun, to see something.
Another type of serial that I like to watch . . . but I haven’t seen in a long time is animation. Like Evangelion, Lain, Death Note, Black Lagoon, Elfen Lied, Ergo proxy etc. I like this type of serial because you can make any type of reality that you want, so the histories usually goes beyond this reality, taking normal situation but whit a totally different content, and the work of the character usually it-s very deep.