Friday 19 June 2009

Favorite Subject

This term I had a lot of goods subjects but the one I like and enjoy the most was culture and environment. This subject it’s in charge of Juan Lebert. The things that I like about this subject are the way that the subject goes in form and content. In form because every tree week we have a lecture control, were we have to applied the lecture whit an example, and between this controls we have to give a presentation about some issue related to the matter talk in the class. So this methodology make us applied the contents of the subjects, so we interpret and use the subject in a applied and reflexive way. In terms of content I like it because we are seeing thing that we already see or have ideas about but in this subject we give it a way, and order, another perspective that help us in the understanding of the matter.

1 comment:

  1. Ignacio,
    I’m sure those topics, culture and environment, are very interesting. And it’s good you have someone around to open up your eyes to see things from a new point of view.
    Please study these chunks of sentences:

    (This subject it’s in charge of): double subject
    (every tree week): three weeks
    (were we have to applied): where we have to apply
    (this controls): this or these?
    (this methodology make us applied) : What’s wrong with the verb?
    (we are seeing thing) : we see things
    (that we already see or have ideas about). That we have already seen or had ideas about.
