Friday 6 November 2009

My faculty . . .

I’m doing this post from the new computer room of the faculty; there are more than 50 new computers . . . in the past you almost have to fight to get a computer if the computer room wasn’t in class. This was a big and necessary improvement for the faculty but there are a lots of other needs in terms of facilities, like a more complete library whit the minimum bibliography for all the courses, we also need a better study room. And there are structural things like the space, there are some class rooms that are very small and in the summer are very hot, but in general the faculty is well equipped, compared whit other faculties like Public administration that is falling apart but in the other head there are faculties like Business and economics , that are very well equipped. That’s it’s a big political problem, because there are faculties that produces a lot of money and receive, and there are another that are almost in broke, but we can’t let the market decides which things have to be studies, reached etc, the university needs to create a way that all faculties have a good equipment.
There is coming the bicentenary project, that will bring a lots of changes to the campus and to the Faculty, these is the instance to make several changes in the facilities, and all the statements have to participate in the way that the campus it’s going to be improve. We hopa tha happens.

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