Friday 13 November 2009

The Last one

This is my last year in the university as a regular student, the next year I’m going to do my thesis, grade exam and practice so this is my last course of English in this university. For mi general formation English it’s a powerful and useful tool, learning a second language expands our mind to other types of meanings and to another world of knowledge . . . in short terms to another whole world, but also I think it’s a necessary knowledge in this “global” times that we are living in, were the communication and information have an important place in this society. But the majority of English that I know it-s no because of this English course, I already knew English very well because when I was ten year old I lived one year in the States.
This course only help me to put in exercise mi actual English but the help was very marginal, when somebody reach a level of English it have to practice in a level accord to it . . . and the best way I think it is going to another country and just speak English, well that it’s a very difficult think to achieve, but I’m seriously thinking about it, because I mean what I say before, English it-s a powerful tool. But in the other hand maybe it’s better to learn another language besides English, for doing this I need to think hard in a good thesis that help me for doing a post degree or something like that, in this time I don’t really know.
Well this is my last post so is my goodbye to this blog, I hope somebody enjoy it . . . I enjoy to write this things, it is a good exercise to practice my English and to practice the writing.
Doing some kind of review of the course, it was a good course, not at my level (jajaja that really sounds elated) but I learn some vocabulary, grammar and as I said I put in practice my English. But for the people that didn’t know English this type of course are very useful, but this can’t be the last level it’s just too basically and we need a higher level, in other countries in the university you have to have two languages well known apart from the mother language. We hope that this English curse improves and well that all folks! Goodbye to you all!! See you in the feature!

Friday 6 November 2009

My faculty . . .

I’m doing this post from the new computer room of the faculty; there are more than 50 new computers . . . in the past you almost have to fight to get a computer if the computer room wasn’t in class. This was a big and necessary improvement for the faculty but there are a lots of other needs in terms of facilities, like a more complete library whit the minimum bibliography for all the courses, we also need a better study room. And there are structural things like the space, there are some class rooms that are very small and in the summer are very hot, but in general the faculty is well equipped, compared whit other faculties like Public administration that is falling apart but in the other head there are faculties like Business and economics , that are very well equipped. That’s it’s a big political problem, because there are faculties that produces a lot of money and receive, and there are another that are almost in broke, but we can’t let the market decides which things have to be studies, reached etc, the university needs to create a way that all faculties have a good equipment.
There is coming the bicentenary project, that will bring a lots of changes to the campus and to the Faculty, these is the instance to make several changes in the facilities, and all the statements have to participate in the way that the campus it’s going to be improve. We hopa tha happens.

Friday 30 October 2009


I think this will be my favorite post . . . because music it’s one the things that I likemore, in all of its senses. I love to hear music, to know new music, to learn about it, to play it, to feel it, etc etc. But this will be very superficial post because this issue it’s very wide.
Well ill start with my likes of music. . . . jajaja I listen to all type of music and I try to always hear something new, I search in web pages like MySpace, lastfm and in some dedicated music blog, and also from what i ear of other people. I used to hear a lot of rock like grunge, death metal, trash, punk, classical, etc. but at the same time I was listening Chilean music, folk, Argentinean rock, etc. Then I like to hear hip hop, electronic, etc. In short terms I like music by itself, I’m not attach to a specific type of music I like new things, experimental ones, I hear music because it’s something that’s makes me feel different, affects my senses and can transport me to another place, in myself, but also with other people, it’s something that’s belongs to everyone that feel it. It's universal and particular at the same time.
I also said that I like to play music. I star to play the guitar when I was fiveteen years old. But I stop to play it regular when I entered the university. I also learn to play a little bit of charango bass and trumpet. Next year I want to dedicate some important part of my time to play more, especially trumpet and guitar, to join some band or make one whit my friend. I live whit two and they also play the guitar and some piano and bass . . . I really don’t’ know what are we waiting . . . but well the university takes a lots of time. That’s all for now See you. . . . and ALWAIS LISTEN MUSIC!!!

Friday 16 October 2009

Gaza, a never end conflict.

Recently I read a new on about the conflict in Gaza between Israel and Palestine. This article was about a report that the UN made about war crimes in the last conflict between Hammas and Israel in Gaza on January. This report accused both sides of war crimes. Obviously Israel rejected this report and said that this statement don-t contribute for peace. What can I said as an Anthropology student, well firs off all we have to understand the beginning of this conflict and what involves.
We must see the big picture of this conflict to understand what it’s happening, we have to take on count the history of this to Nations, the politic, the power beyond both sides, and what they represented, but in fist term as an Student of anthropology we have to take care about the cultural component in this conflict, in how this two countries, sides, nations, peoples are seen between them. This is a very complex point of view, and difficult to aboard, especially from a western eye, because of the cultural difference.
Going back to the news, there are human rights involve in this conflict, there are civilians, people that just want to live, from both sides. Not recognize that both sides committed war crimes it-s also saying that you don-t recognize that people that want to lived, you don-t recognize the death of civilians.

Tv Serials

Favorite TV serial.
Hellooooo, it’s been a long time from my last post . . . but I’m back. Well in this post I’ll talk about TV serials, mmm actually I’m not fallowing anyone, but I have seen a lot, specially the typical one, from the serial channels Warner and Sony, like lost, Scrubs, doctor house etc. Now I’m waiting for the last season of Lost to come out.
When I fallow a TV serial it’s for its argument, the work in the character, the history, the photograph etc . . . in short terms when I see something that I like it’s not for the amount of special effects that it have or the amount of production, I like it because it was made whit care, like any good piece of art. But I also see serial that aren’t very good and don’t have that care component, so I see them just for fun, to see something.
Another type of serial that I like to watch . . . but I haven’t seen in a long time is animation. Like Evangelion, Lain, Death Note, Black Lagoon, Elfen Lied, Ergo proxy etc. I like this type of serial because you can make any type of reality that you want, so the histories usually goes beyond this reality, taking normal situation but whit a totally different content, and the work of the character usually it-s very deep.

Friday 28 August 2009


The actual system of public transportation it’s thousands of year beyond the past yellow buses. In general terms Transantiago it’s a good system of public transportation . . . but it still have a lot of problems specially in the peripherals neighborhoods, whit some routes. The system of public transport it’s now stable, but in the beginning was a mess, in comparatives wais, the old public transport was much better than the brand new Transantiago. It need it a lot of time, patience and money to fix it to an acceptable way.
The main reason of the failure of Transantigo, in it’s beginnings, was the poor pacification, they focus the system in to the minimum cost possible . . . but the government didn’t think about what the people wants and need. This was another political move for the government and a business for the companies involve, and not a need of the people. After all, this system it’s more expensive that they think.
One of the problems for the future it is the expensive that the ticket it’s getting, discouraging the use of the public transport, and actually encoring the use of cars making the environment worse. In almost all the world the public transportation it’s subsidized, and there are examples like Iceland were the public transportation it’s free. The governments necessarily have to think beyond the economic cost, and also start to listen to the people for the best of all.

Friday 21 August 2009


Well well well . . . mmm I really want to go to Barcelona in this next vacations . . . I’m working and saving money for that, that’s the idea . . . I have my reason, it’s a beautiful place but I have been already there and I was hopping not to come back in a long time . . . because I wanted to travel to other places before. . . but how I said I have my reasons. But if something happens and I don’t travel to Spain instead I would like to travel the north of Peru and Ecuador . . .I meet a lot of people that says that you have to travel to those places, that is a friendly place whit beautiful beaches and landscapes. . And for the next year I would like to travel to New Zeeland or Australia , first to work and recover the money spend on the tickets and everything . . . and whit the extra money travel to the north, like Thailand, Vietnam, Taiwan, Laos and if I can and the money allow it, go to India. That’s a very big trip . . . I’m calculating like 7 moths for the whole thing . . . so I have one year and something to prepare it, but now I’m focus in Spain. I have a friend that traveled to new Zeeland to work and did that trip that I want to do.

In my short life I have the opportunity to travel and visit a lots of countries, but I think that Asia and Oceanic are places totally different from the places I already visit. I love to travel, to meet different people, places, landscapes, airs . . .and I will do it until I can.